Written by Isabela Cuenca The women enter with a strut, gossiping. Vibrant pink walls welcome them into the salon as they raise their dresses and long skirts. No one can distinguish between laughter and the sounds of tumbling dryers. They sit one by one in cushioned chairs while holding … More Ririsila – English Translation
Ririsila – English Translation
PANKU’s 60th Anniversary Issue has been recognized as a “REALM First Class” by the NCTE
Feburary is a big month at Panku, aside from welcoming new members and starting to review submissions (due the 10th!), we have received BIG news! Our 60th anniversary edition won the REALM First Class award, NCTE’s (National Council of Teachers of English) highest distinction to recognize excellence in student literary … More PANKU’s 60th Anniversary Issue has been recognized as a “REALM First Class” by the NCTE
Accepting Submissions and Staff for Volume 61 – 2nd Issue!
Panku is now accepting submissions! Panku is now accepting submissions for publication in the spring semester issue of our 61st volume! Deadline runs up until February 10th, and any submissions received after that date will not be considered. If you would like to submit your work to the publication, please … More Accepting Submissions and Staff for Volume 61 – 2nd Issue!